(1) **NEW** Listen to Allstar – UP Link System
(2) **NEW** HARA UP Linked Repeater System is now on Allstar
(4) **NEW ** Adding links to Allstar status pages.

This website is a collection of my Amateur Radio activities. This page began in 1996 as Willy’s Wonderful World on Tripod (free website host). A few years later it was moved to QSL.NET and the original page still resides there, today. Some of the links on this website still links to the QSL.NET page, which can be visited by clicking the link on the main menu (above).
I operate HF and VHF/UHF and I am involved with Remote Operations using my HF radio along with the CommCat software. I enjoy amateur satellite communications (AMSAT) using SSB and like experimenting with antennas and QRP.
Building and maintaining VHF/UHF repeaters has to be my favorite aspect of amateur radio, because I enjoy helping out the local amateur radio enthusiasts by using my skills to broaden their operating experience. Over the years, I’ve designed and built repeater linking systems using RF Backbones as well as IRLP, Echolink, Allstar, Yaesu Fusion, and now DMR.
Enjoy exploring my website– I will be updating this site frequently.